Children, Young People & Skills Committee
Date: |
14 June 2021 |
Time: |
4.00pm |
Venue |
Hybrid/ Virtual/Council Chamber, Hove Town Hall |
Members: |
Councillors:Clare (Chair), John (Deputy Chair), O'Quinn (Opposition Spokesperson), Brown (Group Spokesperson), Grimshaw, Hamilton, Lloyd, McNair, Meadows and Nield
Co-optees Trevor Cristin (Diocesan Director of Education), Ben Lewis and Simon Parr
Non-Voting Co-optees Louise Brown (Young People’s Council Rep) |
Contact: |
Penny Jennings Democratic Services Officer 01273 291 065 |
Page |
1 Procedural Business |
(a) Declaration of Substitutes: Where Councillors are unable to attend a meeting, a substitute Member from the same Political Group may attend, speak and vote in their place for that meeting.
(b) Declarations of Interest:
(a) Disclosable pecuniary interests; (b) Any other interests required to be registered under the local code; (c) Any other general interest as a result of which a decision on the matter might reasonably be regarded as affecting you or a partner more than a majority of other people or businesses in the ward/s affected by the decision.
In each case, you need to declare (i) the item on the agenda the interest relates to; (ii) the nature of the interest; and (iii) whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest or some other interest.
If unsure, Members should seek advice from the committee lawyer or administrator preferably before the meeting.
(c) Exclusion of Press and Public: To consider whether, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted, or the nature of the proceedings, the press and public should be excluded from the meeting when any of the following items are under consideration.
NOTE: Any item appearing in Part Two of the Agenda states in its heading the category under which the information disclosed in the report is exempt from disclosure and therefore not available to the public.
A list and description of the exempt categories is available for public inspection at Brighton and Hove Town Halls. |
2 Minutes |
7 - 28 |
To consider the minutes of the meeting held on 8 March 2021 (copy attached) |
3 Chair's Communications |
4 Call Over |
(a) Items (5 – 11) will be read out at the meeting and Members invited to reserve the items for consideration.
(b) Those items not reserved will be taken as having been received and the reports’ recommendations agreed. |
5 Public Involvement |
29 - 40 |
To consider the following matters raised by members of the public:
(a) Petitions: to receive any petitions presented to the full council or at the meeting itself;
(b) Written Questions: to receive any questions submitted by the due date of 12 noon on 8 June 2021;
(c) Deputations: to receive any deputations submitted by the due date of 12 noon on 8 June 2021. |
6 Member Involvement |
41 - 48 |
To consider the following matters raised by Councillors:
(a) Petitions: to receive any petitions submitted to the full Council or at the meeting itself;
(b) Written Questions: to consider any written questions;
(c) Letters: to consider any letters;
(d) Notices of Motion: to consider any Notices of Motion referred from Council or submitted directly to the Committee. |
7 Notice of Motion - Moulsecoomb Primary School - Survey of Parental Views |
49 - 52 |
Report of the Executive Director Families, Children and Learning (copy attached) |
Contact Officer: |
Richard Barker |
Tel: 01273 290732 |
Ward Affected: |
All Wards |
8 The future of secondary schools places in Brighton and Hove |
53 - 64 |
Report of the Executive Director Families, Children and Learning (copy attached) |
Contact Officer: |
Richard Barker |
Tel: 01273 290732 |
Ward Affected: |
All Wards |
9 Environmental Education Strategy |
65 - 78 |
Report of the Executive Director Families, Children and Learning (copy attached) |
Contact Officer: |
Richard Barker |
Tel: 01273 290732 |
Ward Affected: |
All Wards |
10 Trans Inclusion Schools Toolkit Version 4 |
79 - 174 |
Report of the Executive Director, Families, Children and Learning (copy attached) |
Contact Officer: |
Sam Beal |
Tel: 01273 293533 |
Ward Affected: |
All Wards |
11 Early help review and development of a city-wide strategy to support children, young people, and families at risk of disadvantage |
175 - 190 |
Report of the Executive Director Families, Children and Learning (copy attached) |
Contact Officer: |
Caroline Parker |
Tel: 01273 293587 |
Ward Affected: |
All Wards |
12 Items Referred For Council |
To consider items to be submitted to Council for information.
In accordance with Procedure Rule 24.3a, the Committee may determine that any item is to be included in its report to Council. In addition, any Group may specify one further item to be included by notifying the Chief Executive no later than 10am on the eighth working day before the Council meeting at which the report is to be made, or if the Committee meeting take place after this deadline, immediately at the conclusion of the Committee meeting |
The City Council actively welcomes members of the public and the press to attend its meetings and holds as many of its meetings as possible in public. Provision is also made on the agendas for public questions to committees and details of how questions can be raised can be found on the website and/or on agendas for the meetings.
The closing date for receipt of public questions and deputations for the next meeting is 12 noon on the fourth working day before the meeting.
Meeting papers can be provided, on request, in large print, in Braille, on audio tape or on disc, or translated into any other language as requested. Infra-red hearing aids are available for use during the meeting. If you require any further information or assistance, please contact the receptionist on arrival.
FURTHER INFORMATION For further details and general enquiries about this meeting contact Lisa Johnson, (01273 291228, email or email
WEBCASTING NOTICE This meeting may be filmed for live or subsequent broadcast via the Council’s website. At the start of the meeting the Chair will confirm if all or part of the meeting is being filmed. You should be aware that the Council is a Data Controller under the Data Protection Act 1998. Data collected during this web cast will be retained in accordance with the Council’s published policy.
Therefore, by entering the meeting room and using the seats in the chamber you are deemed to be consenting to being filmed and to the possible use of those images and sound recordings for the purpose of web casting and/or Member training. If members of the public do not wish to have their image captured, they should sit in the public gallery area.
ACCESS NOTICE The Public Gallery is situated on the first floor of the Town Hall and is limited in size but does have 2 spaces designated for wheelchair users. The lift cannot be used in an emergency. Evac Chairs are available for self-transfer and you are requested to inform Reception prior to going up to the Public Gallery. For your own safety please do not go beyond the Ground Floor if you are unable to use the stairs. Please inform staff on Reception if this affects you so that you can be directed to the Council Chamber where you can watch the meeting or if you need to take part in the proceedings e.g. because you have submitted a public question.
FIRE / EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURE If the fire alarm sounds continuously, or if you are instructed to do so, you must leave the building by the nearest available exit. You will be directed to the nearest exit by council staff. It is vital that you follow their instructions: · You should proceed calmly; do not run and do not use the lifts; · Do not stop to collect personal belongings; · Once you are outside, please do not wait immediately next to the building, but move some distance away and await further instructions; and · Do not re-enter the building until told that it is safe to do so. |
Date of Publication - Friday, 4 June 2021